Monday, May 11, 2015

Inspiration for this blog

This blog is inspired by the following Ted Talk:

One of my goals this past year has been to learn how to be more honest with people. Not that I am a dishonest person, but I tend to be the kind of gal who is too "nice" for her own good--and for the good of those around her. So I have been trying to be more honest about my feelings.

Unfortunately, this has most often meant being honest with people in a negative way. And that has its benefits, to be sure. But I realized I am just as shy about sharing with people just how much they have meant to me.

I saw this video as a development exercise at work the other day. So in these pages, I will share some of those lollipop moments--whether ones I received, or ones that I unknowingly gave. And I will tell you the impact that these people had on my life, no matter how small the moment may have been to them. I also hope to get up the courage to send these to the people to whom they apply.

I'm not a fan of the huge Facebook announcements of how someone is so awesome or changed someone's life. I think jealousy truly is one of my weaknesses, and when I see stuff like that, I wonder, "Why does no one say these things about me?" So that's why these proclamations are in a blog. I want to scream to the rooftops what these people have done for me, but I also want to be respectful of people's feelings--and so, I am putting a buffer of a couple clicks in between, in case people just aren't in a state where they can read them right now. If the past couple years have taught me anything, you just never know what other people are going through.

I hope you enjoy these little moments, all of which have helped to make me who I am today.

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